Did you know that your spirit animal can say a lot about your personality? In certain spiritual traditions or cultures, a spirit animal refers to a spirit that helps guide or protect a person on a journey and whose characteristics that person may relate to. You may find that you have one main power animal, or you could feel close to many animal spirit guides. Your animal guide holds a particular quality that could help you navigate life with a bit more ease, faith, and confidence.
A spirit animal can also indicate the places you should travel to and the type of traveller that you are. Whether you would like to live in the mountains like a panda or be reclusive like a turtle – a spirit animal is your answer to all your travel questions.
If you feel a little adventurous and want your spirit animal to guide you to choose your next travel destination, we’ve got the perfect travel quiz for you.
Answer these 12 fun questions listed by India’s best travel portal about your personality and interests to discover the one animal that you relate to most. And once you’re done, don’t forget to share with your travel buddies to know theirs.

What is your ideal climate?

What is your favourite activity?

Your ideal place to live is?

How would you describe yourself?

Which of these would be your all-time favourite destination?

Which is your must-have travel accessory?

What is your favourite mode of transport?

Choose a drink from the below.

Where do you choose to stay when you travel?

What is your favourite thing to watch on television?

Who do you prefer to travel with?

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